Hello. I'm Shweta Prasad.

CV // Github // Twitter //
currently: shweta[dot]prasad@student[dot]uni-tuebingen[dot]de
always: shweta[dot]prasad[dot]402@gmail.com

I am from Thrissur, Kerala in India. Pictured behind me are coconut trees, which I cannot climb (yet). Leslie Lamport and an education in computer science have clouded my vision, as a result of which I am unable to read things that are not LaTeX formatted.

I am an IMPRS MMFD scholar pursuing an M.Sc in Neural and Behavioral Sciences at the Graduate Training Center for Neuroscience, University of Tübingen. I primarily work to understand corvid cognition at Andreas Nieder's lab in Tübingen. I also work as a research intern at Ziad Hafed's Active Vision Lab at the Werner Reichardt Center for Integrative Neuroscience.

I did my undergrad at Ashoka University, where I worked with Mahavir Jhawar and Subhashish Banerjee for my bachelor thesis on compression schemes that can incorporate deep probabilistic models of image data. While there, I was fortunate to work with Bittu Rajaraman and his neuroethology lab, where I studied call pattern production and recognition in bushcrickets endemic to the Western Ghats of India.

While my ultimate research interests are at the intersection of information theory, dynamical systems, self-organization, neuroscience and behaviour, I am currently exploring how the crow brain - fundamentally so different to the primate brain in its organisation - is able to produce comparable cognitive capabilities.

Here are some things that I've done :